Iselin Gambert
Professor and Director
The George Washington University Law School
Iselin Gambert is professor and director of the Fundamentals of Lawyering program and is the faculty co-Director of the GW Law Animal Legal Education Initiative at The George Washington University Law School. In addition to the first-year Fundamentals course, Iselin teaches a seminar she designed called Gender, Race, Species. She previously taught an interdisciplinary course in critical animal studies at Lund University (Sweden). Iselin’s scholarship spans multiple fields including language and rhetoric, critical animal studies, critical race theory, food law and policy, and feminist legal theory. She has written extensively on the subject of milk; her article Got Mylk? The Disruptive Possibilities of Plant Milk was identified as a “Notable & Quotable” by the Wall Street Journal. She is a recipient of a 2019 Aspen Words Emerging Writer Fellowship in the Personal Essay category, and is the 2024 Vermont Law and Graduate School Distinguished Animal Law Scholar.